OSHA 1910.67 (c)(3) + 1926.453(b)(3) Regulations:
“Electrical tests.” Electrical tests shall be made in conformance with the requirements of ANSI A92.2 – 1969, Section 5. However, equivalent DC voltage tests may be used in lieu of the AC voltage test specified in A92.2 – 1969. DC voltage tests which are approved by the equipment manufacturer or equivalent entity shall be considered an equivalent test for the purpose of this paragraph (c) (3)
ANSI A92.2-2015 Standard:
5.3 Electrical Tests For Insulating Aerial Devices
…5.3.2 Qualification Test
Each insulating aerial device shall be tested in accordance with Section 5.4.2 to ensure compliance with the electrical qualification requirements as appropriate. If the aerial device is altered or modified by the installer after the qualification test is performed, the original qualification test is not valid.
Note: Alteration or modification includes such things as additions of an additional platform, a jib, a winch, or other auxiliary devices, and other alterations. The installer should also be cautioned that addition of devices shall be with written approval of the manufacturer in order that the requirement for design testing is met.
ANSI A10.31-2013 Standard:
5.3 Electrical Tests for Insulating Digger Derricks
…5.3.2 Qualification Test.
Each insulating digger derrick shall be tested in accordance with Section 5.4.2 to ensure compliance with the electrical qualification requirements as appropriate. If the digger derrick is altered or modified by the installer after the qualification test is performed, the original qualification test is not valid.
Note: Alteration or modification includes such things as additions of a platform(s), a jib, a winch or other auxiliary devices and other alterations. The installer should also be cautioned that addition of devices shall be with written approval of the manufacturer in order that the requirement for design testing is met.
Call for available schedule to perform Off-site Dielectric Field Testing and NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Training in the Houston area.