If you are a utility contractor, an arborist, electrical contractor, lighting contractor, or in the telecommunications industry, if you own and operate an insulated vehicle, whether aerial bucket trucks or digger derricks, testing & inspections are required. Live Line Safety certifies the integrity of the insulating properties on your insulated equipment with dielectric testing and ensures your equipment is safe to operate with our visual inspections. Employees are at risk, exposing themselves to energized overhead conductors and we realize that their safety and compliance are top priorities for our customers.
Live Line Safety provides third party dielectric testing and annual vehicle inspection on bucket trucks and digger derricks. OSHA requires all insulated vehicles to be dielectrically testing and inspected and Live Line Safety exceeds the qualifications of personnel who will perform the necessary services. Trust your insulated equipment to Live Line’s technicians who are trained, qualified and experienced to complete the job. Remember, if your vehicle is insulated & dielectrically rated, it is required by OSHA to be tested. If your insulated bucket truck has a bucket liner, it is required by OSHA to be dielectrically tested. It does not matter if you don’t work on electrical lines, if the machine carries an insulation rating, it is required to be dielectrically tested.
The high voltage DC dielectric test, as specified by ANSI standards, used for testing Aerial Lifts, Bucket Trucks, Bucket Liners and Digger Derricks is a very critical testing application that is performed by Live Line’s trained technicians with our calibrated test equipment applying accepted testing methods as described in ANSI Standards 92.2 & A10.31. The dielectric test verifies the electrical insulating strength in the FRP upper and lower booms, bucket liners, FRP extensions on digger derricks, tool circuits, and upper control system.
Live Line Safety can help protect your fleet and your business by maintaining compliance referencing ANSI standards in accordance with OSHA regulations. Dielectric testing and visual inspections are crucial in helping prevent injury or death of your employees, in addition to mitigating liability risk for being in violation of OSHA regulations. Live Line Safety can help ensure your business and employees are protected.
Contact our testing laboratory to schedule your dielectric bucket truck or digger derrick testing & inspection needs today.
C-1 Tester
The 100 kV DC high voltage tester, as specified by ANSI standards, used for testing Aerial Lifts, Bucket Trucks, Bucket Liners and Digger Derricks. Live Line’s trained technicians with our calibrated test equipment applying accepted testing methods as described in ANSI Standards 92.2 & A10.31.
Insulating Bucket Truck
OSHA requires all insulated aerial personnel devices to be inspected and tested annually. Bucket trucks are visually inspected + tested according to, by the insulating value [rating] + category, the most current version of the ANSI/SIA A92.2 standard.
Insulating Bucket Liner
OSHA requires all insulating liners, intended to prevent electrical current flow through the lower extremities of the work platform occupant, to be tested annually. Such a liner or work platform shall not be considered primary insulation and shall not have drain holes or access openings.
Insulating Digger Derrick
OSHA requires all insulated digger derricks to be inspected and tested annually. Digger derricks are visually inspected + tested according to, by the insulating value [rating] + category, the most current version of the ANSI/ASSE A10.31 standard.

Insulating equipment used in general industry on in construction activities must meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910 and|or 29 CFR 1926 standards respectively.
From the moment you contact one of our staff members until our work is completed, we want you to receive the highest quality of service possible. As our client, you deserve the very best.
Call for available schedule to perform Off-site Dielectric Field Testing and NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Training in the Houston area.